Know these trade secrets to create convertible facebook ads

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Most Businesses have been evolved to use more than a singular platform for marketing. Facebook as problematic as it can be, is still a good platform to find new clients. If you are looking for ways to improve and optimize your Facebook ads to get your customers, then you have come to the right place.

Your Facebook Picture

When people think about Facebook, they are right to give time and effort into their image or visuals. It is important that your Facebook Ad visual is of good quality. Bad image is never going to anyone any favour. Even if you are not able to capture aesthetically pleasing pictures, try to get native pictures instead.

Separate your Facebook image into two categories,

  • Good design and outstanding image.
  • Native image that can blend in.

People tend to either click on your image if it stands out and looks interesting or if it blends in with the rest of your feed. It is heavily advised that businesses choose in accordance with their audience to get the best results.

Another key details that marketers seem to forget is the relevance of your image to your content or your offer. Whether you are consumer based or more business oriented, if your visual doesn’t corelate with the rest of your ad, that would just send your audience spiralling away.

The Primary Text

Your image might be what reels your customers in, but it is your text that will make them stay. Specially to click on your ad and get your service/product. Nothing that has not already been said a trillion times on the internet before, but you need a captivating HEADLINE!

While there has been debates over short tail or long tail ad copy every marketing guru out there would agree that headline is the most crucial part of your texts. Your headline needs to be concise and to the point. It needs to convey your offer and business in less than 7 words. So, what do you need the rest of the body for if the headline pretty much says everything?

While your headline might be attention grabbing, the rest of your texts needs to give the audience enough value. Like it or not, people are sceptical about Ads. More so on a platform like Facebook. Give your audience reason to click on your ad. Tell them about how you started your business, what people are saying about you and most importantly what makes you different from your competitors. By giving them reason and value through text, you are going to increase the probability of people clicking on your ad.

Let The System Do Its Thing

By now everybody has a basic idea of how the Facebook algorithm works. There is a precision to their audience targeting and it is pretty good with comprehending your audience and finding them. Problems arise when you stuff in details. Too much interests group, precise age group and location tend to reduce Facebook’s option of choosing customers that might like your business.

Although it is hard, trust the system. Choose broadly and let the algorithm do its best to optimize. However also keep in mind if you are unsatisfied with the customers Facebook is recommending you, you can always split test and change it up yourself or contact experts who can always help you with it.

Stick to the Guidelines

One of the crucial mistakes that I see businesses make is when they try to challenge the Facebook’s community guidelines. This will not just reduce your ads probability of finding clients but also bar your ads altogether.

One of Facebooks guidelines is to never comment about its users’ personal attributes. This means do not assume any physical, economical attributes about your audience. For example, if you want to advertise about your hair growth formula shampoo, your ad cannot mention anything remotely mentioning hair fall, or less hair in your audience. So, how can you effectively market?

Simple, describe your product. For businesses regarding beauty, it is highly recommended that you describe your product and service instead of what you think your business would cure. It is a bit hard but sticking to guidelines will help your ads run smoother in the long run.

Overwhelmed about all the details and guidelines. Take a deep breathe and leave it to the experts. At Purplesoft we will make sure your Facebook ad sees all the results and recognition for your business. Book your free consultation time with us now.

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About the Writer

Keera is Purplesoft’s very own Copywriter and editor. She is constantly awed by the way language and internet collide. Especially, regarding marketing. Keera is also passionate about content marketing and transparent communication.

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